
Meet our diverse team of skilled authors. Browse articles by author to find unique perspectives and expertise tailored to your interests.

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Vlad Prudnikov

Vlad Prudnikov

55 posts

🧑‍💻 Chief Executive Officer at What the Flutter

Kiril Ivonchik

Kiril Ivonchik

47 posts

🧑‍💻 Chief Technology Officer at What the Flutter

Diana Petruchik

Diana Petruchik

44 posts

👩‍💻 Head of Partnerships at What the Flutter

Vita Petrovskaya

Vita Petrovskaya

33 posts

👩‍💻 Senior Flutter Developer at What the Flutter

Maksim Losich

Maksim Losich

28 posts

🧑‍💻 Flutter Engineer at What the Flutter

Ivan Garkun

Ivan Garkun

28 posts

👩‍💻 Flutter Engineer at What the Flutter

Kate Bondar

Kate Bondar

3 posts

👩‍💻 UX/UI Design Consultant at What the Flutter

Kseniya Verasovich

Kseniya Verasovich

2 posts

👩‍💻 Business Development Manager at What the Flutter

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